Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Horror movies and why they're so popular

In Stephen King’s essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, he uses a mixture of pathos and logos to talk about his opinion on why horror movies are so popular to a general audience, most likely adults or kids who enjoy watching horror movies.

Stephen King is by far one of the best horror novel writers and movie directors, giving himself credibility as to what he is talking about and probably understanding as to why the human race is so drawn to the sights of blood, gore, the occult, etc. (he is probably one of the people who crave horror movies too…how many people do you know would willingly make horror movie after horror movie and didn’t enjoy making them).

“We also go to re-establish our feelings of essential normality; the horror movie is innately conservative, even reactionary” (King, 210). This makes sense in the long run. While most people (I have a fear of horror movies…only saw two and I hated both of them) go to horror movies, most likely for the adrenaline rush, it also puts us at ease. They constantly remind themselves that this should never happen in the real world and therefore are safe. It makes the watcher feel normal, no matter how abnormal they may be to the public, going to a movie where things are flying all over the place, monsters are around every corner, deranged men wearing hockey masks wielding chainsaws, makes one realize that they are just human beings and hopefully realize that most of the time this never happens.

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